ご利用中の皆様へ/NNA: Global Communities
【皆様からのメッセージ】英国貿易投資総省 対英投資局 最高執行責任者 ウィリアム・ぺダー

Many congratulations on reaching your 1000th edition of the Daily NNA. I hope this will be the first of many such milestones for the newsletter.
There is clearly a need for the service you and others provide and it is one which we in the UK inward investment business greatly welcome and support.
Written entirely from a Japanese perspective, the newsletter provides opinion and news of direct relevance to its readership. It reports on important issues in the UK and Europe that affects the Japanese community here and adds greatly to the pool of knowledge and views that this community needs to make informed judgements.
The UK and wider European markets are continually changing. New opportunities are always emerging. We believe the prospects for Japanese companies in the UK and Europe are extremely positive and that the information service that you provide can play a helpful role in keeping Japanese companies abreast of important developments. I wish you continued success with the newsletter.
『The Daily NNA 英国&EU版』1000号の発刊を心よりお祝い申し上げます。今後も2000号、3000号といった節目に向け、どうぞご精進下さい。